Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lakers vs Charlotte

The Charlotte Bobcats had lost 11 straight games and they are hungry to win a game. Despite this hunger, " I am always ready " Robert Sacre said. Ron Artes and Dwight are becoming a super duo since the last couple of games and sure enough Dwight and Artest are in the starting line once again tonight .
Paul Gasol is back tonight and is playing amazing.
Lakers are up 32 - 25
Great steal from Artest and he goes to the free throw line.
Artest is on fire tonight, hitting these cats with a 3 point shot from downtown. Wow

Second quarter 3:00 minutes left, lakers 48-46

Dwight misses a big dunk
people screaming for far away " we want Phil"
Kobe steps up and gets one in.
It's half time Bobcats 58-53

The Lakers are struggling in this 3rd quarter and need to step up their defense. Bobcats 84- 73

This last quarter is very intense, as lakers are battling to survive.

It's so necessary for both teams to win this game. Not only Charlotte because their 11th lost, but also the Lakers to improve their season records.

This fourth quarter is winding down and this game is way too close.

Ramon sessions is the sensation for the bobcats tonight and he isn't giving up on this game.

Lakers great comeback from their 18 points bellow in the last quarter was unpredictable and they are about to make a miracle.


Lakers 101-100

Lakers win

Friday, November 9, 2012

Did someone say, "too early to be true"?

Mike Brown's Princeton offense was not the best delivery for the Lakers. The players couldn't adapt to his offensive technique. This caused a lot of confusion between the players creating a lack on their defense at the same time.

The Lakers organization took action this morning and fired Mike Brown after a 1-4 start to the season.

Assistant coach Bernie Bickerstaff will be coaching tonight's game against Golden State.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Clippers vs Cavaliers

De vuelta a Staples center

Este partido esta bien encendido. Y Los Cavaliers terminan el primer cuarto con 31 puntos de ventaja.
Los Clippers estan batallando para poder alcanzar a Cleveland y con los ultimos 47.2 segundos del segundo cuarto, anotan una canasta mas 50-57 sin poder lograr ancanzar a Cleveland. En este tercer cuarto, Los Clippers tienen mas energia.
72-63 Cavaliers
Podran Los Angeles Clippers ganar este partido? La ofensiva de Cleveland nos ha dejado con la lengua afuera esta noche.
87-84 Cavaliers..esto es lo mas cerca Los Clippers se han aproximado en este ultimo cuarto.
Y Chris Paul enciende la noche con dos canastas consecutivas, una de tres y su segunda de dos puntos en este ultimo cuarto. Blake griffin no se quedo atras y como un duo con Chris Paul pasandole la pelota anota un dunk cambiando la direccion de este juego con un enpate 94-94.
Y Con 3:15 minutos en este ultimo cuarto 100-96 solo cuatro puntos les falta a Los Clippers alcanzando su momentum, no tan lejos de Cleveland.
Dos fallas de Los Clippers y pierden su oportunidad de enpatarlos. 1:11 minutos 102-99 Cavaliers.
Con 30 segundos en este ultimo cuarto, Blake Griffin dunk dos puntos. Muchos esfuerzos y este juego se acabo 108-101 dandole a los Clippers su segunda perdida de la temporada .

Monday, October 29, 2012

Opening day for Los Angeles Lakers

  El gran dia ya llego para todos los aficionados del baloncesto. Y la linea super estrella Steve Nash, Pau Gasol, Dwight Howard y Kobe, que aun no se sabe si podra jugar manana, estan listos para su gran debut.
La pregunta es? ganaran o no ganaran manana contra los Dallas "Mavericks"? despues de ocho derrotas seguidas en el preseason.